Mail + Digital Solution

Reach new markets with the most powerful direct mail + digital strategy.

Success across multiple channels means speaking to customers with one voice, yet working within the strengths of each channel you choose. Every element of your strategy should build on the whole. We will show you how to make the absolute most of print with its deep sensory appeal, connecting your direct mail,in-store displays, and packaging to digital techniques that align with the audiences you need to reach.

Finding the right integrated approach will deliver customers that have as much as 30% more lifetime value for your brand, according to Google.

Our hourly fee is $265/hr or based on a negotiated  contract rate.

Bringing it all together for you

At Value Source we develop advanced solutions that increase loyalty and drive results by creating a deeper conversation between you and your best customers.

Today, that conversation crosses multiple channels and continues 24/7. How can you make sure you’re speaking to customers with a consistent voice – delivering appealing offers that turn fresh touch points into new business?

Our expert team is reaching beyond the wisdom of traditional direct marketing to help major brands add effective digital techniques to the mix. While many in our field see omnichannel marketing as a one-size-fits-all solution, we believe the right blend of channels and outreach tactics can only come from a 360-degree understanding of the customers you need to reach.

Data-driven solutions focused on your goals.

Everything starts with your business goals and the wealth of insights we are able to gain from your current customer data. Who are your brand’s most devoted fans – and what do we know about them? The science of predictive analytics helps us create a detailed portrait of your best customers, which leads us to thousands, even millions of others who are waiting to hear from you.

With precise customer models in place, we can craft a multichannel strategy to deliver the products and offers that will generate the greatest excitement, click-through and response rates.

The human impact of print with the immediacy of digital.

Companies with strong customer engagement across multiple channels see dramatic year-over-year increases in annual revenue, often in the double digits. Brands with weaker engagement see only about a third of this desirable growth – and they inevitably pay more for every customer touchpoint.

Integrating your message across all channels is the route to efficiency and ROI. We work with selected partners to deliver digital solutions that work seamlessly with our advanced print capabilities.

Digital Advertising

Well-crafted digital banner ads can drive as much as 300% more traffic to your website, strengthening brand recall and awareness. In fact, nearly 75% of all online conversations happen after customers see banner display ads. We will integrate well-designed online advertising into your total strategy to ignite results.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile outreach is the key to delivering crucial information to customers in real time, where and when they expect it. We will show you how to tie mobile marketing to in-store, mail and online promotions in a single seamless strategy. Reaching customers with timely offers, new product information and exciting media such as videos and music and videos can.


Email Marketing

For every $1 spent, effective email outreach delivers nearly 4x ROI. Using the data-first strategies that make our traditional direct mail campaigns so impactful, we will help you plan triggered campaigns with beautifully designed, image-rich messages for greater web traffic and sales.

Website Pages & Site Design

Your website and landing pages are crucial to your brand’s success. In fact, more than 90% of all customers cite bad website design as the reason they choose not to trust a particular brand. Our talented web design partners can review your current web presence and recommend new or refreshed designs to elevate response rates and ROI.

Content Writing Services

Having the right creative appeal is crucial for your success in all customer channels. We have access to skilled, experienced content writers who can produce the targeted messages you need. Our creative team will help you develop web, social, video, email and print content that captures attention and drives positive results.

Excellence in every format

Our high-volume web offset presses are ideal for:


  • Direct mail production
  • Marketing materials and sales collateral
  • Free-standing newspaper inserts
  • Coupon books
  •  In-store circulars and promotions

LET’S TALK | Ask for a free consultation on any aspect of multichannel/omnichannel strategies

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